Module scenariogeneration.xosc.storyboard
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Copyright (c) 2022 The scenariogeneration Authors.
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This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at
Copyright (c) 2022 The scenariogeneration Authors.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from .actions import _Action, _ActionType, _PrivateActionType
from .triggers import EmptyTrigger, ValueTrigger, SimulationTimeCondition, Trigger
from .utils import (
from .utils import (
from .enumerations import Priority, Rule, ConditionEdge, VersionBase
from .actions import _GlobalActionFactory, _PrivateActionFactory
class Init(VersionBase):
"""the Init class, creates the init part of the storyboard
initactions (dir: {entityname: Action}): a directory
containing all init actions of the scenario
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
add_init_action(entityname, action):
adds a private action to the init
adds a global action to the init
adds a user defined action to the init
def __init__(self):
"""initalize the Init class"""
self.initactions = {}
self.global_actions = []
self.user_defined_actions = []
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Init):
if (
self.initactions == other.initactions
and self.global_actions == other.global_actions
and self.user_defined_actions == other.user_defined_actions
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of Init
NOTE: no UserDefinedActions are parsed.
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Init element (same as generated by the class itself)
init (Init): a Init object
init = Init()
action_element = element.find("Actions")
global_elements = action_element.findall("GlobalAction")
for ga in global_elements:
globalaction = _GlobalActionFactory.parse_globalaction(ga)
private_elements = action_element.findall("Private")
for pe in private_elements:
actor = pe.attrib["entityRef"]
all_private_actions = pe.findall("PrivateAction")
for pa in all_private_actions:
privateaction = _PrivateActionFactory.parse_privateaction(pa)
init.add_init_action(actor, privateaction)
return init
def add_init_action(self, entityname, action):
"""add_init_action adds an Private Action to the init.
entityname (str): name of the entity to add the action to
action (*Action): Any private action to be added (like TeleportAction)
if not isinstance(action, _PrivateActionType):
if isinstance(action, _ActionType):
raise TypeError(
"the action provided is a global action, please use add_global_action instead"
raise TypeError("action input is not a valid action")
if entityname not in self.initactions:
self.initactions[entityname] = []
def add_global_action(self, action):
"""add_global_action adds a global action to the init
action (*Action): any global action to add to the init
if isinstance(action, _PrivateActionType):
raise TypeError(
"action input is a Private action, please use add_init_action instead"
if not isinstance(action, _ActionType):
raise TypeError("action input is not a valid action")
return self
def add_user_defined_action(self, action):
"""add_user_defined_action adds a userDefined action to the init
action (CustomCommandAction): a custom command action (NOTE: a very crude implementation see
# NOTE: since this is not really implemented no checkes are done here.
return self
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the Init"""
element = ET.Element("Init")
actions = ET.SubElement(element, "Actions")
# add global actions
for i in self.global_actions:
# add user defined actions
for i in self.user_defined_actions:
# add private actions
for i in self.initactions:
private = ET.SubElement(actions, "Private", attrib={"entityRef": i})
for j in self.initactions[i]:
return element
class StoryBoard(VersionBase):
"""The StoryBoard class creates the storyboard of OpenScenario
init (Init): the init part of the storyboard
stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger or EmptyTrigger):
the stoptrigger of the storyboard (optional)
Default (EmptyTrigger)
init (Init): the init of the storyboard
stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger or EmptyTrigger):
the stoptrigger
stories (list of Story): all stories of the scenario
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
add_story (story)
adds a story to the storyboard
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
def __init__(self, init=Init(), stoptrigger=EmptyTrigger("stop")):
"""initalizes the storyboard
init (Init): the init part of the storyboard
Default: Init()
stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger):
the stoptrigger of the storyboard (optional)
Default: (EmptyTrigger)
if not isinstance(init, Init):
raise TypeError("init is not of type Init")
if not isinstance(stoptrigger, _TriggerType):
raise TypeError("stoptrigger is not a valid Trigger")
# check that the stoptrigger has a triggeringpoint that is 'stop'
if stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger":
raise ValueError(
"the stoptrigger provided does not have stop as the triggeringpoint"
self.init = init
self.stoptrigger = stoptrigger
self.stories = []
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, StoryBoard):
if (
self.init == other.init
and self.stoptrigger == other.stoptrigger
and self.stories == other.stories
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of StoryBoard
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A StoryBoard element (same as generated by the class itself)
storyboard (StoryBoard): a StoryBoard object
init = Init.parse(element.find("Init"))
stoptrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StopTrigger"))
storyboard = StoryBoard(init, stoptrigger)
for s in element.findall("Story"):
return storyboard
def add_story(self, story):
"""adds a story to the storyboard
story (Story): the story to be added
if not isinstance(story, Story):
raise TypeError("story input is not of type Story")
return self
def add_act(self, act, parameters=ParameterDeclarations()):
"""add_act is a quick way to add a single act to one story, for multi act type of scenarios, use Story instead.
NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created
act (Act): the Act to add
parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional)
Default: ParameterDeclarations()
if not isinstance(act, Act):
raise TypeError("act input is not of type Act")
newstory = Story("story_" +, parameters)
return self
def add_maneuver_group(
"""add_maneuver_group is a quick way to add a single maneuver_group to one story, for multi maneuver_group type of scenarios, use Act instead.
NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created
maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the ManeuverGroup to add
starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act
Default: at simulationtime 0
stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act
Default: EmptyTrigger('stop')
parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional)
Default: ParameterDeclarations()
if not isinstance(maneuvergroup, ManeuverGroup):
raise TypeError("maneuvergroup input is not of type ManeuverGroup")
if starttrigger == None:
starttrigger = ValueTrigger(
SimulationTimeCondition(0, Rule.greaterThan),
elif starttrigger._triggerpoint == "StopTrigger":
raise ValueError(
"the starttrigger provided does not have start as the triggeringpoint"
if stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger":
raise ValueError("the stoptrigger provided is not of type StopTrigger")
newact = Act("act_" +, starttrigger, stoptrigger)
self.add_act(newact, parameters)
return self
def add_maneuver(
"""add_maneuver is a quick way to add a single maneuver to one story, for multi maneuver type of scenarios, use ManeuverGroup instead.
NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created
maneuver (Maneuver or CatalogReference): the Maneuver to add
actors (list of 'str', or 'str'): list of all actors in the maneuver or just a name of the actor
starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act
Default: at simulationtime 0
stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act
Default: EmptyTrigger('stop')
parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional)
Default: None
if not (
isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver) or isinstance(maneuver, CatalogReference)
raise TypeError("maneuver input is not of type Maneuver")
if isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver):
mangr = ManeuverGroup("maneuvuergroup_" +
mangr = ManeuverGroup("maneuvuergroup_from_catalog")
if actors is not None:
if isinstance(actors, list):
for a in actors:
return self
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the Storyboard"""
element = ET.Element("Storyboard")
# if not self.stories:
# raise ValueError('no stories available for storyboard')
if not self.stories:
self.add_maneuver_group(ManeuverGroup("empty"), EmptyTrigger())
for story in self.stories:
return element
class Story(VersionBase):
"""The Story class creates a story of the OpenScenario
name (str): name of the story
parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the Story
Default: ParameterDeclarations()
name (str): name of the story
parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional)
acts (list of Act): all acts belonging to the story
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
adds an act to the story
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
def __init__(self, name, parameters=ParameterDeclarations()):
"""initalizes the Story class
name (str): name of the story
parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the Story
""" = name
self.acts = []
if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterDeclarations):
raise TypeError("parameters input is not of type ParameterDeclarations")
self.parameter = parameters
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Story):
if (
self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes()
and self.parameter == other.parameter
and self.acts == other.acts
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of Story
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Story element (same as generated by the class itself)
story (Story): a Story object
name = element.attrib["name"]
if element.find("ParameterDeclarations") != None:
parameters = ParameterDeclarations.parse(
parameters = ParameterDeclarations()
story = Story(name, parameters)
for a in element.findall("Act"):
return story
def add_act(self, act):
"""adds an act to the story
act (Act): act to add to the story
if not isinstance(act, Act):
raise TypeError("act input is not of type Act")
return self
def get_attributes(self):
"""returns the attributes as a dict of the Story"""
return {"name":}
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the Story"""
element = ET.Element("Story", attrib=self.get_attributes())
if self.parameter.get_element():
if not self.acts:
raise ValueError("no acts added to the story")
for a in self.acts:
return element
class Act(VersionBase):
"""the Act class creates the Act of the OpenScenario
name (str): name of the act
starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act
Default: ValueTrigger('act_start',0,ConditionEdge.none,SimulationTimeCondition(0,Rule.greaterThan))
stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional)
name (str): name of the act
starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act
stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional)
maneuvergroup (list of ManeuverGroup): list of ManeuverGroups belonging to the act
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
adds a maneuvuergroup to the act
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
def __init__(self, name, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=None):
"""Initalize the Act
name (str): name of the act
starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act
Default: ValueTrigger('act_start',0,ConditionEdge.none,SimulationTimeCondition(0,Rule.greaterThan))
stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional)
Default: Emptytrigger
""" = name
if starttrigger == None:
self.starttrigger = starttrigger = ValueTrigger(
SimulationTimeCondition(0, Rule.greaterThan),
elif starttrigger._triggerpoint == "StopTrigger":
raise ValueError(
"the starttrigger provided does not have start as the triggeringpoint"
self.starttrigger = starttrigger
if stoptrigger == None:
self.stoptrigger = EmptyTrigger("stop")
elif stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger":
raise ValueError("the stoptrigger provided is not of type StopTrigger")
self.stoptrigger = stoptrigger
self.maneuvergroup = []
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Act):
if (
self.starttrigger == other.starttrigger
and self.stoptrigger == other.stoptrigger
and self.maneuvergroup == other.maneuvergroup
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of Act
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Act element (same as generated by the class itself)
act (Act): a Act object
name = element.attrib["name"]
stoptrigger = None
if element.find("StopTrigger") is not None:
stoptrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StopTrigger"))
starttrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StartTrigger"))
act = Act(name, starttrigger, stoptrigger)
for m in element.findall("ManeuverGroup"):
return act
def add_maneuver_group(self, maneuvergroup):
"""adds a maneuvuergroup to the act
maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the maneuvergroup to add
if not isinstance(maneuvergroup, ManeuverGroup):
raise TypeError("maneuvergroup is not of type ManeuverGroup")
return self
def get_attributes(self):
"""returns the attributes as a dict of the Act"""
return {"name":}
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the Act"""
element = ET.Element("Act", attrib=self.get_attributes())
if not self.maneuvergroup:
raise ValueError("no maneuver group added to the act")
for mangr in self.maneuvergroup:
return element
class ManeuverGroup(VersionBase):
"""the ManeuverGroup creates the ManeuverGroup of the OpenScenario
name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup
maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations
selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check
name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup
maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations
selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check
maneuvers (list of Maneuver): the maneuvers in the ManeuverGroup
actors (_Actors): all actors of the ManeuverGroup
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup
adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
def __init__(self, name, maxexecution=1, selecttriggeringentities=False):
"""initalize the ManeuverGroup
name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup
maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations
selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check
""" = name
self.maxexecution = convert_int(maxexecution)
self.actors = _Actors(selecttriggeringentities)
self.maneuvers = []
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ManeuverGroup):
if (
self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes()
and self.actors == other.actors
and self.maneuvers == other.maneuvers
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of ManeuverGroup
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A ManeuverGroup element (same as generated by the class itself)
maneuver_group (ManeuverGroup): a ManeuverGroup object
name = element.attrib["name"]
maxexec = convert_int(element.attrib["maximumExecutionCount"])
actors = _Actors.parse(element.find("Actors"))
maneuver_group = ManeuverGroup(name, maxexec)
maneuver_group.actors = actors
for m in element.findall("Maneuver"):
for cr in element.findall("CatalogReference"):
return maneuver_group
def add_maneuver(self, maneuver):
"""adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup
maneuver (Maneuver, or CatalogReference): maneuver to add
if not (
isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver) or isinstance(maneuver, CatalogReference)
raise TypeError("maneuver input is not of type Maneuver")
return self
def add_actor(self, entity):
"""adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup
entity (str): name of the entity to add as an actor
return self
def get_attributes(self):
"""returns the attributes as a dict of the ManeuverGroup"""
return {"name":, "maximumExecutionCount": str(self.maxexecution)}
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the ManeuverGroup"""
element = ET.Element("ManeuverGroup", attrib=self.get_attributes())
for man in self.maneuvers:
return element
class _Actors(VersionBase):
"""_Actors is used to create the actors of a ManeuverGroup
selectTriggeringEntities (bool): ???
Default: False
selectTriggeringEntities (bool): ???
actors (list or EntityRef): all actors to add to the element
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
adds an actor
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
def __init__(self, selectTriggeringEntities=False):
"""initalize the _Actors
selectTriggeringEntities (bool): ???
Default: False
self.actors = [] = convert_bool(selectTriggeringEntities)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, _Actors):
if (
self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes()
and self.actors == other.actors
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of _Actors
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A _Actors element (same as generated by the class itself)
actors (_Actors): a _Actors object
trigent = convert_bool(element.attrib["selectTriggeringEntities"])
actors = _Actors(trigent)
entrefs = element.findall("EntityRef")
for ent in entrefs:
entityref = EntityRef.parse(ent)
return actors
def add_actor(self, entity):
"""adds an actor to the list of actors
entity (str): name of the entity
return self
def get_attributes(self):
"""returns the attributes of the _Actors as a dict"""
return {"selectTriggeringEntities": get_bool_string(}
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the _Actors"""
# if not self.actors:
# raise ValueError('no actors are set')
if len(self.actors) == 0:
Warning("No Actors are defined")
element = ET.Element("Actors", attrib=self.get_attributes())
for ent in self.actors:
return element
class Maneuver(_BaseCatalog):
"""The Maneuver class creates the Maneuver of OpenScenario
name (str): name of the Maneuver
parameters (ParameterDeclaration): Parameter declarations for the maneuver
Default: None
name (str): name of the Maneuver
events (list of Event): all events belonging to the Maneuver
parameters (ParameterDeclaration): Parameter declarations for the maneuver
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
add_event (event)
adds an event to the Maneuver
adds the vehicle to an existing catalog
crates a new catalog with the vehicle
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
def __init__(self, name, parameters=None):
"""initalizes the Maneuver
name (str): name of the Maneuver
if parameters is not None and not isinstance(parameters, ParameterDeclarations):
raise TypeError("parameters is not of type ParameterDeclarations")
if parameters is not None:
self.parameters = parameters = name = []
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Maneuver):
if (
self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes()
and self.parameters == other.parameters
and ==
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of Maneuver
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Maneuver element (same as generated by the class itself)
maneuver (Maneuver): a Maneuver object
parameters = None
if element.find("ParameterDeclarations") is not None:
parameters = ParameterDeclarations.parse(
name = element.attrib["name"]
man = Maneuver(name, parameters)
for e in element.findall("Event"):
return man
def add_event(self, event):
"""adds an event to the Maneuver
name (Event): the event to add to the Maneuver
if not isinstance(event, Event):
raise TypeError("event input is not of type Event")
return self
def get_attributes(self):
"""returns the attributes as a dict of the Maneuver"""
return {"name":}
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the Maneuver"""
if not
raise ValueError("no events added to the maneuver")
element = ET.Element("Maneuver", attrib=self.get_attributes())
for event in
return element
class Event(VersionBase):
"""the Event class creates the event of OpenScenario
name (str): name of the event
priority (Priority): what priority the event has
maxexecution (int): the maximum allowed executions of the event
Default: 1
name (str): name of the event
priority (Priority): what priority the event has TODO: add definition
maxexecution (int): the maximum allowed executions of the event
action (list of actions): all actions belonging to the event
trigger (*Trigger): a start trigger to the event
parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class
adds an trigger to the event
adds an action to the event (can be called multiple times)
Returns the full ElementTree of the class
Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
def __init__(self, name, priority, maxexecution=1): = name
self.priority = convert_enum(priority, Priority)
self.action = []
self.trigger = None
self.maxexecution = convert_int(maxexecution)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Event):
if (
self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes()
and self.trigger == other.trigger
and self.action == other.action
return True
return False
def parse(element):
"""Parses the xml element of Event
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Event element (same as generated by the class itself)
event (Event): a Event object
name = element.attrib["name"]
maxexec = None
if "maximumExecutionCount" in element.attrib:
maxexec = convert_int(element.attrib["maximumExecutionCount"])
prio = getattr(Priority, element.attrib["priority"])
event = Event(name, prio, maxexec)
all_actions = []
for a in element.findall("Action"):
return event
def add_trigger(self, trigger):
"""adds a starging trigger to the event
trigger (*Trigger): Adds a trigger to start the event (not EmptyTrigger)
if not isinstance(trigger, _TriggerType):
if isinstance(trigger, _ValueTriggerType):
raise TypeError(
"trigger input is a value trigger condition, please add to a ValueTrigger."
elif isinstance(_EntityTriggerType):
raise TypeError(
"trigger input is a entity trigger condition, please add to a EntityTrigger."
raise TypeError("trigger input is not a valid trigger")
self.trigger = trigger
return self
def add_action(self, actionname, action):
"""adds an action to the Event, multiple actions can be added and will be ordered as added.
action (*Action): any action to be added to the event
if not isinstance(action, _ActionType):
raise TypeError("action input is not a valid Action")
self.action.append(_Action(actionname, action))
return self
def get_attributes(self):
"""returns the attributes as a dict of the Event"""
retdict = {"name":, "priority": self.priority.get_name()}
if self.maxexecution is not None:
retdict["maximumExecutionCount"] = str(self.maxexecution)
return retdict
def get_element(self):
"""returns the elementTree of the Event"""
if not self.action:
raise ValueError("no action(s) set")
if self.isVersion(minor=0) and not self.trigger:
raise ValueError("no trigger set")
element = ET.Element("Event", attrib=self.get_attributes())
for action in self.action:
if self.trigger:
return element
class Act (name, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=None)
the Act class creates the Act of the OpenScenario
name (str): name of the act starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act Default: ValueTrigger('act_start',0,ConditionEdge.none,SimulationTimeCondition(0,Rule.greaterThan)) stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional)
name (str): name of the act starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional) maneuvergroup (list of ManeuverGroup): list of ManeuverGroups belonging to the act
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_maneuver_group(maneuvergroup) adds a maneuvuergroup to the act get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
Initalize the Act
name (str): name of the act starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act Default: ValueTrigger('act_start',0,ConditionEdge.none,SimulationTimeCondition(0,Rule.greaterThan)) stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional) Default: Emptytrigger
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class Act(VersionBase): """the Act class creates the Act of the OpenScenario Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the act starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act Default: ValueTrigger('act_start',0,ConditionEdge.none,SimulationTimeCondition(0,Rule.greaterThan)) stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional) Attributes ---------- name (str): name of the act starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional) maneuvergroup (list of ManeuverGroup): list of ManeuverGroups belonging to the act Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_maneuver_group(maneuvergroup) adds a maneuvuergroup to the act get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class """ def __init__(self, name, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=None): """Initalize the Act Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the act starttrigger (*Trigger): starttrigger of the act Default: ValueTrigger('act_start',0,ConditionEdge.none,SimulationTimeCondition(0,Rule.greaterThan)) stoptrigger (*Trigger): stoptrigger of the act (optional) Default: Emptytrigger """ = name if starttrigger == None: self.starttrigger = starttrigger = ValueTrigger( "act_start", 0, ConditionEdge.none, SimulationTimeCondition(0, Rule.greaterThan), ) elif starttrigger._triggerpoint == "StopTrigger": raise ValueError( "the starttrigger provided does not have start as the triggeringpoint" ) else: self.starttrigger = starttrigger if stoptrigger == None: self.stoptrigger = EmptyTrigger("stop") elif stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger": raise ValueError("the stoptrigger provided is not of type StopTrigger") else: self.stoptrigger = stoptrigger self.maneuvergroup = [] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Act): if ( self.starttrigger == other.starttrigger and self.stoptrigger == other.stoptrigger and self.maneuvergroup == other.maneuvergroup ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Act Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Act element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- act (Act): a Act object """ name = element.attrib["name"] stoptrigger = None if element.find("StopTrigger") is not None: stoptrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StopTrigger")) starttrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StartTrigger")) act = Act(name, starttrigger, stoptrigger) for m in element.findall("ManeuverGroup"): act.add_maneuver_group(ManeuverGroup.parse(m)) return act def add_maneuver_group(self, maneuvergroup): """adds a maneuvuergroup to the act Parameters ---------- maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the maneuvergroup to add """ if not isinstance(maneuvergroup, ManeuverGroup): raise TypeError("maneuvergroup is not of type ManeuverGroup") self.maneuvergroup.append(maneuvergroup) return self def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Act""" return {"name":} def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Act""" element = ET.Element("Act", attrib=self.get_attributes()) if not self.maneuvergroup: raise ValueError("no maneuver group added to the act") for mangr in self.maneuvergroup: element.append(mangr.get_element()) element.append(self.starttrigger.get_element()) element.append(self.stoptrigger.get_element()) return element
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of Act
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Act element (same as generated by the class itself)
act (Act): a Act object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Act Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Act element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- act (Act): a Act object """ name = element.attrib["name"] stoptrigger = None if element.find("StopTrigger") is not None: stoptrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StopTrigger")) starttrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StartTrigger")) act = Act(name, starttrigger, stoptrigger) for m in element.findall("ManeuverGroup"): act.add_maneuver_group(ManeuverGroup.parse(m)) return act
def add_maneuver_group(self, maneuvergroup)
adds a maneuvuergroup to the act
maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the maneuvergroup to add
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def add_maneuver_group(self, maneuvergroup): """adds a maneuvuergroup to the act Parameters ---------- maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the maneuvergroup to add """ if not isinstance(maneuvergroup, ManeuverGroup): raise TypeError("maneuvergroup is not of type ManeuverGroup") self.maneuvergroup.append(maneuvergroup) return self
def get_attributes(self)
returns the attributes as a dict of the Act
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def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Act""" return {"name":}
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the Act
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Act""" element = ET.Element("Act", attrib=self.get_attributes()) if not self.maneuvergroup: raise ValueError("no maneuver group added to the act") for mangr in self.maneuvergroup: element.append(mangr.get_element()) element.append(self.starttrigger.get_element()) element.append(self.stoptrigger.get_element()) return element
class Event (name, priority, maxexecution=1)
the Event class creates the event of OpenScenario
name (str): name of the event priority (Priority): what priority the event has maxexecution (int): the maximum allowed executions of the event Default: 1
name (str): name of the event priority (Priority): what priority the event has TODO: add definition maxexecution (int): the maximum allowed executions of the event action (list of actions): all actions belonging to the event trigger (*Trigger): a start trigger to the event
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_trigger() adds an trigger to the event add_action() adds an action to the event (can be called multiple times) get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
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class Event(VersionBase): """the Event class creates the event of OpenScenario Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the event priority (Priority): what priority the event has maxexecution (int): the maximum allowed executions of the event Default: 1 Attributes ---------- name (str): name of the event priority (Priority): what priority the event has TODO: add definition maxexecution (int): the maximum allowed executions of the event action (list of actions): all actions belonging to the event trigger (*Trigger): a start trigger to the event Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_trigger() adds an trigger to the event add_action() adds an action to the event (can be called multiple times) get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class """ def __init__(self, name, priority, maxexecution=1): = name self.priority = convert_enum(priority, Priority) self.action = [] self.trigger = None self.maxexecution = convert_int(maxexecution) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Event): if ( self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes() and self.trigger == other.trigger and self.action == other.action ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Event Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Event element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- event (Event): a Event object """ name = element.attrib["name"] maxexec = None if "maximumExecutionCount" in element.attrib: maxexec = convert_int(element.attrib["maximumExecutionCount"]) prio = getattr(Priority, element.attrib["priority"]) event = Event(name, prio, maxexec) event.add_trigger(Trigger.parse(element.find("StartTrigger"))) all_actions = [] for a in element.findall("Action"): event.action.append(_Action.parse(a)) return event def add_trigger(self, trigger): """adds a starging trigger to the event Parameters ---------- trigger (*Trigger): Adds a trigger to start the event (not EmptyTrigger) """ if not isinstance(trigger, _TriggerType): if isinstance(trigger, _ValueTriggerType): raise TypeError( "trigger input is a value trigger condition, please add to a ValueTrigger." ) elif isinstance(_EntityTriggerType): raise TypeError( "trigger input is a entity trigger condition, please add to a EntityTrigger." ) raise TypeError("trigger input is not a valid trigger") self.trigger = trigger return self def add_action(self, actionname, action): """adds an action to the Event, multiple actions can be added and will be ordered as added. Parameters ---------- action (*Action): any action to be added to the event """ if not isinstance(action, _ActionType): raise TypeError("action input is not a valid Action") self.action.append(_Action(actionname, action)) return self def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Event""" retdict = {"name":, "priority": self.priority.get_name()} if self.maxexecution is not None: retdict["maximumExecutionCount"] = str(self.maxexecution) return retdict def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Event""" if not self.action: raise ValueError("no action(s) set") if self.isVersion(minor=0) and not self.trigger: raise ValueError("no trigger set") element = ET.Element("Event", attrib=self.get_attributes()) for action in self.action: element.append(action.get_element()) if self.trigger: element.append(self.trigger.get_element()) return element
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of Event
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Event element (same as generated by the class itself)
event (Event): a Event object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Event Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Event element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- event (Event): a Event object """ name = element.attrib["name"] maxexec = None if "maximumExecutionCount" in element.attrib: maxexec = convert_int(element.attrib["maximumExecutionCount"]) prio = getattr(Priority, element.attrib["priority"]) event = Event(name, prio, maxexec) event.add_trigger(Trigger.parse(element.find("StartTrigger"))) all_actions = [] for a in element.findall("Action"): event.action.append(_Action.parse(a)) return event
def add_action(self, actionname, action)
adds an action to the Event, multiple actions can be added and will be ordered as added.
action (*Action): any action to be added to the event
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def add_action(self, actionname, action): """adds an action to the Event, multiple actions can be added and will be ordered as added. Parameters ---------- action (*Action): any action to be added to the event """ if not isinstance(action, _ActionType): raise TypeError("action input is not a valid Action") self.action.append(_Action(actionname, action)) return self
def add_trigger(self, trigger)
adds a starging trigger to the event
trigger (*Trigger): Adds a trigger to start the event (not EmptyTrigger)
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def add_trigger(self, trigger): """adds a starging trigger to the event Parameters ---------- trigger (*Trigger): Adds a trigger to start the event (not EmptyTrigger) """ if not isinstance(trigger, _TriggerType): if isinstance(trigger, _ValueTriggerType): raise TypeError( "trigger input is a value trigger condition, please add to a ValueTrigger." ) elif isinstance(_EntityTriggerType): raise TypeError( "trigger input is a entity trigger condition, please add to a EntityTrigger." ) raise TypeError("trigger input is not a valid trigger") self.trigger = trigger return self
def get_attributes(self)
returns the attributes as a dict of the Event
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def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Event""" retdict = {"name":, "priority": self.priority.get_name()} if self.maxexecution is not None: retdict["maximumExecutionCount"] = str(self.maxexecution) return retdict
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the Event
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Event""" if not self.action: raise ValueError("no action(s) set") if self.isVersion(minor=0) and not self.trigger: raise ValueError("no trigger set") element = ET.Element("Event", attrib=self.get_attributes()) for action in self.action: element.append(action.get_element()) if self.trigger: element.append(self.trigger.get_element()) return element
class Init
the Init class, creates the init part of the storyboard
initactions (dir: {entityname: Action}): a directory containing all init actions of the scenario
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class add_init_action(entityname, action): adds a private action to the init add_global_action(action): adds a global action to the init add_user_defined_action(action): adds a user defined action to the init
initalize the Init class
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class Init(VersionBase): """the Init class, creates the init part of the storyboard Attributes ---------- initactions (dir: {entityname: Action}): a directory containing all init actions of the scenario Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class add_init_action(entityname, action): adds a private action to the init add_global_action(action): adds a global action to the init add_user_defined_action(action): adds a user defined action to the init """ def __init__(self): """initalize the Init class""" self.initactions = {} self.global_actions = [] self.user_defined_actions = [] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Init): if ( self.initactions == other.initactions and self.global_actions == other.global_actions and self.user_defined_actions == other.user_defined_actions ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Init NOTE: no UserDefinedActions are parsed. Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Init element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- init (Init): a Init object """ init = Init() action_element = element.find("Actions") global_elements = action_element.findall("GlobalAction") for ga in global_elements: globalaction = _GlobalActionFactory.parse_globalaction(ga) init.add_global_action(globalaction) private_elements = action_element.findall("Private") for pe in private_elements: actor = pe.attrib["entityRef"] all_private_actions = pe.findall("PrivateAction") for pa in all_private_actions: privateaction = _PrivateActionFactory.parse_privateaction(pa) init.add_init_action(actor, privateaction) return init def add_init_action(self, entityname, action): """add_init_action adds an Private Action to the init. Parameters ---------- entityname (str): name of the entity to add the action to action (*Action): Any private action to be added (like TeleportAction) """ if not isinstance(action, _PrivateActionType): if isinstance(action, _ActionType): raise TypeError( "the action provided is a global action, please use add_global_action instead" ) raise TypeError("action input is not a valid action") if entityname not in self.initactions: self.initactions[entityname] = [] self.initactions[entityname].append(action) def add_global_action(self, action): """add_global_action adds a global action to the init Parameters ---------- action (*Action): any global action to add to the init """ if isinstance(action, _PrivateActionType): raise TypeError( "action input is a Private action, please use add_init_action instead" ) if not isinstance(action, _ActionType): raise TypeError("action input is not a valid action") self.global_actions.append(action) return self def add_user_defined_action(self, action): """add_user_defined_action adds a userDefined action to the init Parameters ---------- action (CustomCommandAction): a custom command action (NOTE: a very crude implementation see """ # NOTE: since this is not really implemented no checkes are done here. self.user_defined_actions.append(action) return self def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Init""" element = ET.Element("Init") actions = ET.SubElement(element, "Actions") # add global actions for i in self.global_actions: actions.append(i.get_element()) # add user defined actions for i in self.user_defined_actions: actions.append(i.get_element()) # add private actions for i in self.initactions: private = ET.SubElement(actions, "Private", attrib={"entityRef": i}) for j in self.initactions[i]: private.append(j.get_element()) return element
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of Init NOTE: no UserDefinedActions are parsed.
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Init element (same as generated by the class itself)
init (Init): a Init object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Init NOTE: no UserDefinedActions are parsed. Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Init element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- init (Init): a Init object """ init = Init() action_element = element.find("Actions") global_elements = action_element.findall("GlobalAction") for ga in global_elements: globalaction = _GlobalActionFactory.parse_globalaction(ga) init.add_global_action(globalaction) private_elements = action_element.findall("Private") for pe in private_elements: actor = pe.attrib["entityRef"] all_private_actions = pe.findall("PrivateAction") for pa in all_private_actions: privateaction = _PrivateActionFactory.parse_privateaction(pa) init.add_init_action(actor, privateaction) return init
def add_global_action(self, action)
add_global_action adds a global action to the init
action (*Action): any global action to add to the init
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def add_global_action(self, action): """add_global_action adds a global action to the init Parameters ---------- action (*Action): any global action to add to the init """ if isinstance(action, _PrivateActionType): raise TypeError( "action input is a Private action, please use add_init_action instead" ) if not isinstance(action, _ActionType): raise TypeError("action input is not a valid action") self.global_actions.append(action) return self
def add_init_action(self, entityname, action)
add_init_action adds an Private Action to the init.
entityname (str): name of the entity to add the action to action (*Action): Any private action to be added (like TeleportAction)
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def add_init_action(self, entityname, action): """add_init_action adds an Private Action to the init. Parameters ---------- entityname (str): name of the entity to add the action to action (*Action): Any private action to be added (like TeleportAction) """ if not isinstance(action, _PrivateActionType): if isinstance(action, _ActionType): raise TypeError( "the action provided is a global action, please use add_global_action instead" ) raise TypeError("action input is not a valid action") if entityname not in self.initactions: self.initactions[entityname] = [] self.initactions[entityname].append(action)
def add_user_defined_action(self, action)
add_user_defined_action adds a userDefined action to the init
action (CustomCommandAction): a custom command action (NOTE: a very crude implementation see
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def add_user_defined_action(self, action): """add_user_defined_action adds a userDefined action to the init Parameters ---------- action (CustomCommandAction): a custom command action (NOTE: a very crude implementation see """ # NOTE: since this is not really implemented no checkes are done here. self.user_defined_actions.append(action) return self
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the Init
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Init""" element = ET.Element("Init") actions = ET.SubElement(element, "Actions") # add global actions for i in self.global_actions: actions.append(i.get_element()) # add user defined actions for i in self.user_defined_actions: actions.append(i.get_element()) # add private actions for i in self.initactions: private = ET.SubElement(actions, "Private", attrib={"entityRef": i}) for j in self.initactions[i]: private.append(j.get_element()) return element
class Maneuver (name, parameters=None)
The Maneuver class creates the Maneuver of OpenScenario
name (str): name of the Maneuver parameters (ParameterDeclaration): Parameter declarations for the maneuver Default: None
name (str): name of the Maneuver events (list of Event): all events belonging to the Maneuver parameters (ParameterDeclaration): Parameter declarations for the maneuver
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_event (event) adds an event to the Maneuver append_to_catalog(filename) adds the vehicle to an existing catalog dump_to_catalog(filename,name,description,author) crates a new catalog with the vehicle get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
initalizes the Maneuver Parameters
name (str): name of the Maneuver
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class Maneuver(_BaseCatalog): """The Maneuver class creates the Maneuver of OpenScenario Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the Maneuver parameters (ParameterDeclaration): Parameter declarations for the maneuver Default: None Attributes ---------- name (str): name of the Maneuver events (list of Event): all events belonging to the Maneuver parameters (ParameterDeclaration): Parameter declarations for the maneuver Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_event (event) adds an event to the Maneuver append_to_catalog(filename) adds the vehicle to an existing catalog dump_to_catalog(filename,name,description,author) crates a new catalog with the vehicle get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class """ def __init__(self, name, parameters=None): """initalizes the Maneuver Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the Maneuver """ super().__init__() if parameters is not None and not isinstance(parameters, ParameterDeclarations): raise TypeError("parameters is not of type ParameterDeclarations") if parameters is not None: self.parameters = parameters = name = [] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Maneuver): if ( self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes() and self.parameters == other.parameters and == ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Maneuver Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Maneuver element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- maneuver (Maneuver): a Maneuver object """ parameters = None if element.find("ParameterDeclarations") is not None: parameters = ParameterDeclarations.parse( element.find("ParameterDeclarations") ) name = element.attrib["name"] man = Maneuver(name, parameters) for e in element.findall("Event"): man.add_event(Event.parse(e)) return man def add_event(self, event): """adds an event to the Maneuver Parameters ---------- name (Event): the event to add to the Maneuver """ if not isinstance(event, Event): raise TypeError("event input is not of type Event") return self def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Maneuver""" return {"name":} def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Maneuver""" if not raise ValueError("no events added to the maneuver") element = ET.Element("Maneuver", attrib=self.get_attributes()) self.add_parameters_to_element(element) for event in element.append(event.get_element()) return element
- scenariogeneration.xosc.utils._BaseCatalog
- VersionBase
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of Maneuver
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Maneuver element (same as generated by the class itself)
maneuver (Maneuver): a Maneuver object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Maneuver Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Maneuver element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- maneuver (Maneuver): a Maneuver object """ parameters = None if element.find("ParameterDeclarations") is not None: parameters = ParameterDeclarations.parse( element.find("ParameterDeclarations") ) name = element.attrib["name"] man = Maneuver(name, parameters) for e in element.findall("Event"): man.add_event(Event.parse(e)) return man
def add_event(self, event)
adds an event to the Maneuver
name (Event): the event to add to the Maneuver
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def add_event(self, event): """adds an event to the Maneuver Parameters ---------- name (Event): the event to add to the Maneuver """ if not isinstance(event, Event): raise TypeError("event input is not of type Event") return self
def get_attributes(self)
returns the attributes as a dict of the Maneuver
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def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Maneuver""" return {"name":}
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the Maneuver
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Maneuver""" if not raise ValueError("no events added to the maneuver") element = ET.Element("Maneuver", attrib=self.get_attributes()) self.add_parameters_to_element(element) for event in element.append(event.get_element()) return element
class ManeuverGroup (name, maxexecution=1, selecttriggeringentities=False)
the ManeuverGroup creates the ManeuverGroup of the OpenScenario
name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check
name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check maneuvers (list of Maneuver): the maneuvers in the ManeuverGroup actors (_Actors): all actors of the ManeuverGroup
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_maneuver(Maneuver) adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup add_actor(entity) adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
initalize the ManeuverGroup
name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check
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class ManeuverGroup(VersionBase): """the ManeuverGroup creates the ManeuverGroup of the OpenScenario Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check Attributes ---------- name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check maneuvers (list of Maneuver): the maneuvers in the ManeuverGroup actors (_Actors): all actors of the ManeuverGroup Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_maneuver(Maneuver) adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup add_actor(entity) adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class """ def __init__(self, name, maxexecution=1, selecttriggeringentities=False): """initalize the ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the ManeuverGroup maxexecution (int): maximum number of iterations selecttriggeringentities (bool): Have no idea what this does ??? TODO: check """ = name self.maxexecution = convert_int(maxexecution) self.actors = _Actors(selecttriggeringentities) self.maneuvers = [] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ManeuverGroup): if ( self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes() and self.actors == other.actors and self.maneuvers == other.maneuvers ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A ManeuverGroup element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- maneuver_group (ManeuverGroup): a ManeuverGroup object """ name = element.attrib["name"] maxexec = convert_int(element.attrib["maximumExecutionCount"]) actors = _Actors.parse(element.find("Actors")) maneuver_group = ManeuverGroup(name, maxexec) maneuver_group.actors = actors for m in element.findall("Maneuver"): maneuver_group.add_maneuver(Maneuver.parse(m)) for cr in element.findall("CatalogReference"): maneuver_group.add_maneuver(CatalogReference.parse(cr)) return maneuver_group def add_maneuver(self, maneuver): """adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- maneuver (Maneuver, or CatalogReference): maneuver to add """ if not ( isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver) or isinstance(maneuver, CatalogReference) ): raise TypeError("maneuver input is not of type Maneuver") self.maneuvers.append(maneuver) return self def add_actor(self, entity): """adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- entity (str): name of the entity to add as an actor """ self.actors.add_actor(entity) return self def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the ManeuverGroup""" return {"name":, "maximumExecutionCount": str(self.maxexecution)} def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the ManeuverGroup""" element = ET.Element("ManeuverGroup", attrib=self.get_attributes()) element.append(self.actors.get_element()) for man in self.maneuvers: element.append(man.get_element()) return element
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of ManeuverGroup
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A ManeuverGroup element (same as generated by the class itself)
maneuver_group (ManeuverGroup): a ManeuverGroup object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A ManeuverGroup element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- maneuver_group (ManeuverGroup): a ManeuverGroup object """ name = element.attrib["name"] maxexec = convert_int(element.attrib["maximumExecutionCount"]) actors = _Actors.parse(element.find("Actors")) maneuver_group = ManeuverGroup(name, maxexec) maneuver_group.actors = actors for m in element.findall("Maneuver"): maneuver_group.add_maneuver(Maneuver.parse(m)) for cr in element.findall("CatalogReference"): maneuver_group.add_maneuver(CatalogReference.parse(cr)) return maneuver_group
def add_actor(self, entity)
adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup
entity (str): name of the entity to add as an actor
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def add_actor(self, entity): """adds an actor to the ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- entity (str): name of the entity to add as an actor """ self.actors.add_actor(entity) return self
def add_maneuver(self, maneuver)
adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup
maneuver (Maneuver, or CatalogReference): maneuver to add
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def add_maneuver(self, maneuver): """adds a maneuver to the ManeuverGroup Parameters ---------- maneuver (Maneuver, or CatalogReference): maneuver to add """ if not ( isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver) or isinstance(maneuver, CatalogReference) ): raise TypeError("maneuver input is not of type Maneuver") self.maneuvers.append(maneuver) return self
def get_attributes(self)
returns the attributes as a dict of the ManeuverGroup
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def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the ManeuverGroup""" return {"name":, "maximumExecutionCount": str(self.maxexecution)}
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the ManeuverGroup
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the ManeuverGroup""" element = ET.Element("ManeuverGroup", attrib=self.get_attributes()) element.append(self.actors.get_element()) for man in self.maneuvers: element.append(man.get_element()) return element
class Story (name, parameters=<scenariogeneration.xosc.utils.ParameterDeclarations object>)
The Story class creates a story of the OpenScenario
name (str): name of the story parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the Story Default: ParameterDeclarations()
name (str): name of the story parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) acts (list of Act): all acts belonging to the story
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_act(act) adds an act to the story get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class
initalizes the Story class
name (str): name of the story parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the Story
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class Story(VersionBase): """The Story class creates a story of the OpenScenario Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the story parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the Story Default: ParameterDeclarations() Attributes ---------- name (str): name of the story parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) acts (list of Act): all acts belonging to the story Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_act(act) adds an act to the story get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class get_attributes() Returns a dictionary of all attributes of the class """ def __init__(self, name, parameters=ParameterDeclarations()): """initalizes the Story class Parameters ---------- name (str): name of the story parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the Story """ = name self.acts = [] if not isinstance(parameters, ParameterDeclarations): raise TypeError("parameters input is not of type ParameterDeclarations") self.parameter = parameters def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Story): if ( self.get_attributes() == other.get_attributes() and self.parameter == other.parameter and self.acts == other.acts ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Story Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Story element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- story (Story): a Story object """ name = element.attrib["name"] if element.find("ParameterDeclarations") != None: parameters = ParameterDeclarations.parse( element.find("ParameterDeclarations") ) else: parameters = ParameterDeclarations() story = Story(name, parameters) for a in element.findall("Act"): story.add_act(Act.parse(a)) return story def add_act(self, act): """adds an act to the story Parameters ---------- act (Act): act to add to the story """ if not isinstance(act, Act): raise TypeError("act input is not of type Act") self.acts.append(act) return self def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Story""" return {"name":} def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Story""" element = ET.Element("Story", attrib=self.get_attributes()) if self.parameter.get_element(): element.append(self.parameter.get_element()) if not self.acts: raise ValueError("no acts added to the story") for a in self.acts: element.append(a.get_element()) return element
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of Story
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Story element (same as generated by the class itself)
story (Story): a Story object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of Story Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A Story element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- story (Story): a Story object """ name = element.attrib["name"] if element.find("ParameterDeclarations") != None: parameters = ParameterDeclarations.parse( element.find("ParameterDeclarations") ) else: parameters = ParameterDeclarations() story = Story(name, parameters) for a in element.findall("Act"): story.add_act(Act.parse(a)) return story
def add_act(self, act)
adds an act to the story
act (Act): act to add to the story
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def add_act(self, act): """adds an act to the story Parameters ---------- act (Act): act to add to the story """ if not isinstance(act, Act): raise TypeError("act input is not of type Act") self.acts.append(act) return self
def get_attributes(self)
returns the attributes as a dict of the Story
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def get_attributes(self): """returns the attributes as a dict of the Story""" return {"name":}
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the Story
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Story""" element = ET.Element("Story", attrib=self.get_attributes()) if self.parameter.get_element(): element.append(self.parameter.get_element()) if not self.acts: raise ValueError("no acts added to the story") for a in self.acts: element.append(a.get_element()) return element
class StoryBoard (init=<scenariogeneration.xosc.storyboard.Init object>, stoptrigger=<scenariogeneration.xosc.triggers.EmptyTrigger object>)
The StoryBoard class creates the storyboard of OpenScenario
init (Init): the init part of the storyboard stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger or EmptyTrigger): the stoptrigger of the storyboard (optional) Default (EmptyTrigger)
init (Init): the init of the storyboard stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger or EmptyTrigger): the stoptrigger stories (list of Story): all stories of the scenario
parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_story (story) adds a story to the storyboard get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class
initalizes the storyboard
init (Init): the init part of the storyboard Default: Init() stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): the stoptrigger of the storyboard (optional) Default: (EmptyTrigger)
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class StoryBoard(VersionBase): """The StoryBoard class creates the storyboard of OpenScenario Parameters ---------- init (Init): the init part of the storyboard stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger or EmptyTrigger): the stoptrigger of the storyboard (optional) Default (EmptyTrigger) Attributes ---------- init (Init): the init of the storyboard stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger or EmptyTrigger): the stoptrigger stories (list of Story): all stories of the scenario Methods ------- parse(element) parses a ElementTree created by the class and returns an instance of the class add_story (story) adds a story to the storyboard get_element() Returns the full ElementTree of the class """ def __init__(self, init=Init(), stoptrigger=EmptyTrigger("stop")): """initalizes the storyboard Parameters ---------- init (Init): the init part of the storyboard Default: Init() stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): the stoptrigger of the storyboard (optional) Default: (EmptyTrigger) """ if not isinstance(init, Init): raise TypeError("init is not of type Init") if not isinstance(stoptrigger, _TriggerType): raise TypeError("stoptrigger is not a valid Trigger") # check that the stoptrigger has a triggeringpoint that is 'stop' if stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger": raise ValueError( "the stoptrigger provided does not have stop as the triggeringpoint" ) self.init = init self.stoptrigger = stoptrigger self.stories = [] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StoryBoard): if ( self.init == other.init and self.stoptrigger == other.stoptrigger and self.stories == other.stories ): return True return False @staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of StoryBoard Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A StoryBoard element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- storyboard (StoryBoard): a StoryBoard object """ init = Init.parse(element.find("Init")) stoptrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StopTrigger")) storyboard = StoryBoard(init, stoptrigger) for s in element.findall("Story"): storyboard.add_story(Story.parse(s)) return storyboard def add_story(self, story): """adds a story to the storyboard Parameters ---------- story (Story): the story to be added """ if not isinstance(story, Story): raise TypeError("story input is not of type Story") self.stories.append(story) return self def add_act(self, act, parameters=ParameterDeclarations()): """add_act is a quick way to add a single act to one story, for multi act type of scenarios, use Story instead. NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created Parameters ---------- act (Act): the Act to add parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: ParameterDeclarations() """ if not isinstance(act, Act): raise TypeError("act input is not of type Act") newstory = Story("story_" +, parameters) newstory.add_act(act) self.stories.append(newstory) return self def add_maneuver_group( self, maneuvergroup, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=EmptyTrigger("stop"), parameters=ParameterDeclarations(), ): """add_maneuver_group is a quick way to add a single maneuver_group to one story, for multi maneuver_group type of scenarios, use Act instead. NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created Parameters ---------- maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the ManeuverGroup to add starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act Default: at simulationtime 0 stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act Default: EmptyTrigger('stop') parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: ParameterDeclarations() """ if not isinstance(maneuvergroup, ManeuverGroup): raise TypeError("maneuvergroup input is not of type ManeuverGroup") if starttrigger == None: starttrigger = ValueTrigger( "act_start", 0, ConditionEdge.rising, SimulationTimeCondition(0, Rule.greaterThan), ) elif starttrigger._triggerpoint == "StopTrigger": raise ValueError( "the starttrigger provided does not have start as the triggeringpoint" ) if stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger": raise ValueError("the stoptrigger provided is not of type StopTrigger") newact = Act("act_" +, starttrigger, stoptrigger) newact.add_maneuver_group(maneuvergroup) self.add_act(newact, parameters) return self def add_maneuver( self, maneuver, actors=None, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=EmptyTrigger("stop"), parameters=ParameterDeclarations(), ): """add_maneuver is a quick way to add a single maneuver to one story, for multi maneuver type of scenarios, use ManeuverGroup instead. NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created Parameters ---------- maneuver (Maneuver or CatalogReference): the Maneuver to add actors (list of 'str', or 'str'): list of all actors in the maneuver or just a name of the actor starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act Default: at simulationtime 0 stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act Default: EmptyTrigger('stop') parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: None """ if not ( isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver) or isinstance(maneuver, CatalogReference) ): raise TypeError("maneuver input is not of type Maneuver") if isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver): mangr = ManeuverGroup("maneuvuergroup_" + else: mangr = ManeuverGroup("maneuvuergroup_from_catalog") if actors is not None: if isinstance(actors, list): for a in actors: mangr.add_actor(a) else: mangr.add_actor(actors) mangr.add_maneuver(maneuver) self.add_maneuver_group( mangr, starttrigger=starttrigger, stoptrigger=stoptrigger, parameters=parameters, ) return self def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Storyboard""" element = ET.Element("Storyboard") element.append(self.init.get_element()) # if not self.stories: # raise ValueError('no stories available for storyboard') if not self.stories: self.add_maneuver_group(ManeuverGroup("empty"), EmptyTrigger()) for story in self.stories: element.append(story.get_element()) element.append(self.stoptrigger.get_element()) return element
Static methods
def parse(element)
Parses the xml element of StoryBoard
element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A StoryBoard element (same as generated by the class itself)
storyboard (StoryBoard): a StoryBoard object
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@staticmethod def parse(element): """Parses the xml element of StoryBoard Parameters ---------- element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element): A StoryBoard element (same as generated by the class itself) Returns ------- storyboard (StoryBoard): a StoryBoard object """ init = Init.parse(element.find("Init")) stoptrigger = Trigger.parse(element.find("StopTrigger")) storyboard = StoryBoard(init, stoptrigger) for s in element.findall("Story"): storyboard.add_story(Story.parse(s)) return storyboard
def add_act(self, act, parameters=<scenariogeneration.xosc.utils.ParameterDeclarations object>)
add_act is a quick way to add a single act to one story, for multi act type of scenarios, use Story instead.
NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created
act (Act): the Act to add parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: ParameterDeclarations()
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def add_act(self, act, parameters=ParameterDeclarations()): """add_act is a quick way to add a single act to one story, for multi act type of scenarios, use Story instead. NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created Parameters ---------- act (Act): the Act to add parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: ParameterDeclarations() """ if not isinstance(act, Act): raise TypeError("act input is not of type Act") newstory = Story("story_" +, parameters) newstory.add_act(act) self.stories.append(newstory) return self
def add_maneuver(self, maneuver, actors=None, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=<scenariogeneration.xosc.triggers.EmptyTrigger object>, parameters=<scenariogeneration.xosc.utils.ParameterDeclarations object>)
add_maneuver is a quick way to add a single maneuver to one story, for multi maneuver type of scenarios, use ManeuverGroup instead.
NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created
maneuver (Maneuver or CatalogReference): the Maneuver to add actors (list of 'str', or 'str'): list of all actors in the maneuver or just a name of the actor starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act Default: at simulationtime 0 stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act Default: EmptyTrigger('stop') parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: None
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def add_maneuver( self, maneuver, actors=None, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=EmptyTrigger("stop"), parameters=ParameterDeclarations(), ): """add_maneuver is a quick way to add a single maneuver to one story, for multi maneuver type of scenarios, use ManeuverGroup instead. NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created Parameters ---------- maneuver (Maneuver or CatalogReference): the Maneuver to add actors (list of 'str', or 'str'): list of all actors in the maneuver or just a name of the actor starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act Default: at simulationtime 0 stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act Default: EmptyTrigger('stop') parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: None """ if not ( isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver) or isinstance(maneuver, CatalogReference) ): raise TypeError("maneuver input is not of type Maneuver") if isinstance(maneuver, Maneuver): mangr = ManeuverGroup("maneuvuergroup_" + else: mangr = ManeuverGroup("maneuvuergroup_from_catalog") if actors is not None: if isinstance(actors, list): for a in actors: mangr.add_actor(a) else: mangr.add_actor(actors) mangr.add_maneuver(maneuver) self.add_maneuver_group( mangr, starttrigger=starttrigger, stoptrigger=stoptrigger, parameters=parameters, ) return self
def add_maneuver_group(self, maneuvergroup, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=<scenariogeneration.xosc.triggers.EmptyTrigger object>, parameters=<scenariogeneration.xosc.utils.ParameterDeclarations object>)
add_maneuver_group is a quick way to add a single maneuver_group to one story, for multi maneuver_group type of scenarios, use Act instead.
NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created
maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the ManeuverGroup to add starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act Default: at simulationtime 0 stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act Default: EmptyTrigger('stop') parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: ParameterDeclarations()
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def add_maneuver_group( self, maneuvergroup, starttrigger=None, stoptrigger=EmptyTrigger("stop"), parameters=ParameterDeclarations(), ): """add_maneuver_group is a quick way to add a single maneuver_group to one story, for multi maneuver_group type of scenarios, use Act instead. NOTE: if used multiple times multiple stories will be created Parameters ---------- maneuvergroup (ManeuverGroup): the ManeuverGroup to add starttrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): starttrigger for the act Default: at simulationtime 0 stoptrigger (Valuetrigger, Entitytrigger, Trigger, ConditionGroup or EmptyTrigger): stoptrigger for the act Default: EmptyTrigger('stop') parameters (ParameterDeclarations): the parameters of the story (optional) Default: ParameterDeclarations() """ if not isinstance(maneuvergroup, ManeuverGroup): raise TypeError("maneuvergroup input is not of type ManeuverGroup") if starttrigger == None: starttrigger = ValueTrigger( "act_start", 0, ConditionEdge.rising, SimulationTimeCondition(0, Rule.greaterThan), ) elif starttrigger._triggerpoint == "StopTrigger": raise ValueError( "the starttrigger provided does not have start as the triggeringpoint" ) if stoptrigger._triggerpoint == "StartTrigger": raise ValueError("the stoptrigger provided is not of type StopTrigger") newact = Act("act_" +, starttrigger, stoptrigger) newact.add_maneuver_group(maneuvergroup) self.add_act(newact, parameters) return self
def add_story(self, story)
adds a story to the storyboard
story (Story): the story to be added
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def add_story(self, story): """adds a story to the storyboard Parameters ---------- story (Story): the story to be added """ if not isinstance(story, Story): raise TypeError("story input is not of type Story") self.stories.append(story) return self
def get_element(self)
returns the elementTree of the Storyboard
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def get_element(self): """returns the elementTree of the Storyboard""" element = ET.Element("Storyboard") element.append(self.init.get_element()) # if not self.stories: # raise ValueError('no stories available for storyboard') if not self.stories: self.add_maneuver_group(ManeuverGroup("empty"), EmptyTrigger()) for story in self.stories: element.append(story.get_element()) element.append(self.stoptrigger.get_element()) return element